Scat Dogs Saving Cheetahs!
Action for Cheetahs in Kenya detection dog team is focused on finding cheetah scat (poop). We actively search for cheetah scat so it can be collected and analyzed for genetics, prey selection, and health. It's a great non-invasive way to study cheetahs.

K9 Handler
Kelvin has worked as an ACK Field Officer since June 2018 in the Malili area in our Salama Field Study site where he was born and raised. In 2019 Kelvin was promoted to lead the ACK Sports and Solid Waste Management activities in the Salama Field Study site. He visited Tanzania for the first time representing ACK during the Conservation Conflict Transformation Peace Workshop in September 2019. Kelvin then transitioned to our Samburu Field Study site when the Salama site was shuttered. Kelvin recently joined the K9 team as a handler.
He attended Jobenpha Community School for his Primary School Education and St. Augustine Mulumini for his Secondary Education. He is a certified Graphics Designer from Upeo College in Nairobi.